New AI Tool Fakes Live Eye Contact
Nvidia Broadcasting’s new Eye Contact feature lets a user fake eye contact during live-streams or video conferences. Will you try it?
Visual 05: Fully Vaccinated
Here’s some good news related to Covid-19: More people in the world are becoming fully vaccinated. The data visual above shows the leading countries where a larger share of the population is fully vaccinated.
Visual 04: The Pay Gap
Happy International Women’s Day! There are many achievements to celebrate and recognize; however, women are still fighting. This data visual quickly breaks down the global gender pay gap.
Visual 02: VDay Flowers
More than 250 million roses are produced for Valentine’s Day. This data visual shows which countries grow and export the most cut flowers/flower bouquets in the world.
Visual 01: Award Shows
Oscar nominations were announced this week, but do you actually plan on watching the Academy Awards? For the past several years, TV ratings for award shows have declined. This data visual presents viewership habits over the past five years for both the Grammys and Oscars.
The McLEAR Smart Ring
The McLEAR Smart Ring lets you make contactless payments without having to carry a wallet or card. It also requires no charging.
Across England, Masks Become Mandatory
Today, in shops across England, wearing a mask or facial covering is mandatory. If caught shopping or entering public transportation without a mask (or covering), you can be fined £100 on-the-spot.
Wait of the World: The United Nations and Black America
The U.S. government has put more money into human rights for non-U.S. citizens internationally than it has into human rights for Black Americans. See just how much money the U.S. has invested in the UN within the past ten years.
Minneapolis Police Powers
Minneapolis Police enjoy many protections. The protesters do not. George Floyd did not. The infographic below shows how city officers are shielded from facing first-degree murder charges.
Go Figure: COVID-19 Cases Tracked Globally
This data visual is a proportional stream graph showcasing active and recovered COVID-19 cases across 166 countries and regions. Data provided by Johns Hopkins University.